Monday, July 19, 2010

SOCCOMP Experiment No.6: Youtube Traffic Experiment

Here are the results of our Youtube Traffic experiment wherein our main objective was to analyze and compile the results of the types of videos uploaded by users given a certain time interval. These videos will then be summarized by video length, predominant video language, category type, and tags used. The users who uploaded the file will then be profiled vis-a-vis their age and country The results of this experiment are largely based on the 60 recently uploaded videos on July 16, 2010 from 6AM-12nn. Here are the results:

Free Image Hosting

Length of video 2 mins and 10 seconds
Age of Uploader 25.5 years old

Category People and Blogs
Country (Uploader) USA
Language English

Blocked videos: 2 (Details of these videos were impossible to get since they were blocked immediately)

Below are the commonly predominant tags from the videos watched:

Based on the data, a big chunk of uploaders come from the U.S. as compared to all the other countries. In relation to this, the most widely used language of the uploaded videos is English. Before, English was the pre-dominant language, but based on our analysis, other languages are almost equal to it in terms of usage; languages such as Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, etc...

Most of the users are within the age range of 18-35, while the next largest group is of the age range of below 18. This can indicate that most users of youtube are the youth. Human-Computer interaction may come into play with this data because the youth are more comfortable with technology than the older generation.

Most uploaded videos fall under the People and Blogs category. It is followed by Music and Entertainment with a tie. However, it can be noted that Gaming, although the smallest part of the chart, still had 11.67%, considering the age range where a lot of users are the youth. The second largest age group, those that are under the age of 18, may have contributed a big portion to this category.

That is all!
And now a message from our sponsors at

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